Hedonskate/Rollernews Contest results



1. Neurosis
2. Patricio Riveira
3. Dubdub

Hedonskate would like to thank everyone who took time and participated in this contest. Also we would like to thank Rollernews for such nice co-operation! We picked up three designs, which fulfilled our expectations the most. The winners should sent an e-mail to [email protected] so we can send the prizes. The Tshirts with the winning designs will be produced in September as part of Hedonskate „Back to school“ clothing line. Once again thanks for such good feedback and look for more Hedonskate contests in future.

Also we would like to honour Cole Collins from Louisiana with a special prize, who send us a Tee that he made himself, check the pics!

Sweden tour tees!

We have just received new Hedonskate T-shirts designed for the Sweden Tour! Make sure to come by and grab your free tee!