KIZER Slimline II
This latest frame from the Kizer family is the perfect product for flat skating, offering middle wheel protection combined with the fast & proven Fluid material. The Slimline is designed as a lightweight, strong frame and is available in 3 different sizes.
Multiple rockering options:
- Up to 58mm wheels, all rockered down.
- 60mm outside, rockered up, 56mm inside, rockered down
Antirocker / Freestyle:
- Up to 80mm outside rockered up.
- With 80mm wheels, grindwheels only fit in Frame size M & L (80mm wheels in size S frames are possible riding freestyle)
- Depending on the skate, adjustments like cut-outs and recesses to the soulplate are necessary. The Slimline II allows the speed of 80mm wheels while still having a low profile frame with a low center of gravity.
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