My Culture Resurrection Jam 2012 Report

Ressurection Jam

Rollerblading AM: The progression and how these kids are pushing the sport shows that this generation is going to take rollerblading to another level. Beuthle Mamabolo was the standout of the day, all his tricks were big and he attempted a 540 over the spine, but landed a 270 back royal on the quarter. Lydon Carter did a nice kind-grind, alley-oop top porn and a floaty 3 on the big quarter, as well as a shuffle over the box. Zhaundre Traut from Cape Town at the young age of 12 years had the most style out of the lot not to mention smooth tricks too such as his 180 over the box and a 180 hand-plant; if this kid keeps on skating he is definitely going to be world class. Nathan Cronje who was the smallest AM competing, skated fearlessly with nice airs and makio’s on the rail, he will also be a future contender to look out for. Dillon Fell did a back side straight and down and a 360 on the quarter, grabs over the box and his signature trick the tabernacle. Puleng Slique skated really well, his lines were great and he did lots of transfers.

Results :

1st Bethuel Mamabolo
2nd Puleng Slique
3rd Lydon Carter

Rollerblading Pro: The Cape Town guys flew up again and with them came the next level of skating. Earl Abrahams skated big with an awesome style as well as a constant smile on his face which makes you realize how much he loves to roll, he attempted a huge transfer soul over the mini onto the quarter on the right hand side and he also hammered a 540 to royal on the rail and walked away with best trick. X Games skater Chris Strong-Hand has insane flow, always uses the whole park and throws down such technical tricks as well as his usual 900’s, he also landed a transfer 450 royal to bank transfer as well as a transfer from the mini to the big quarter with a 270 back unity. Franki Frank was a top contender as usual, his lines were excellent this year, easily landing ten tricks in a row and he laced his signature bio and back flip tricks. Pontsho Sekiti was the smallest Pro but busted huge 720’s over the box. Neil Thunder Bolt skated smoothly doing many transfer variations from the big quarter into the mini ramp, alley-oop fish to 270 switch topsoul on the coping and transfer 450 front royal. Tebogo Madumo skated well but unfortunately his last trick of his last run he came down fakie over the spin and broke his arm – he has broken that arm three times in the past.


1st Christ van dew Merwe
2nd Frank Joubert
3rd Earl Abrahams

Best Trick: Earl Abraham – 540 Royal on the rail

Hedonskate Report: East Side Jam 2012 – Podsumowanie

East Side Jam 2012 - Winners

Zawody East Side Jam w Lublinie to już tradycja – praktycznie ostatnie regularne zawody rolkowe na streecie w Polsce. 5 edycja zgromadziła ponownie większość rolkarzy z całego kraju, jak i gości z zagranicy. Zawody odbywały się na 3 spotach o rożnym stopniu trudności, bez podziału na kategorie wiekowe (w grupach mogli się spotkać zarówno Seniorzy, Mastersi oraz Juniorzy). Co prawda punkty do ligi PRL 2012 będą liczone oddzielnie (z podziałem na kategorie) jednak akurat przy takiej formie zawodów (Street) zrezygnowanie z podziałów w grupach okazało się trafionym pomysłem. Wspólne przejazdy np. zawodników z kategorii Masters motywowały Juniorów do ostrej rywalizacji co znacznie przyczyniło się do osiągnięcia tak wysokiego poziomu całych zawodów.

Czytaj dalej

easyROLLday Contest 2012

EasyRoll Contest

W Maju nie mogliśmy narzekać na brak eventów w Polsce – jednym z ciekawszych wydarzeń były zawody easyRoll Conest w Chełmie zorganizowane przez lokalną ekipę rolkarzy oraz supportowane przez Poniżej możecie sprawdzić obszerną galerię autorstwa Damiana Zachwieji i przekonać się jak fajny klimacik towarzyszył tym zawodom! Duże propsy dla organizatorów! Miejmy nadzieję iż zawody w Chełmie na stałe zapiszą się w kalendarzu rolkowych zawodów w Polsce.

Mistrzejowice Cup – Relacja

Mistrzejowice Cup

Na możecie znaleźć relację z ostatnich zawodów w Krakowie – Mistrzejowice Cup. Sprawdźcie także galerię fotek autorstwa Wojtka Makuli.

Mistrzejowice Cup – Wyniki

Mistrzejowice Cup - Winners

Gratulacje dla Kuby Olejarza (Hedonskate, Xsjado) oraz Łukasza Malewskiego (Hedonskate, Xsjado) za zajęcie miejsc na podium podczas zawodów Mistrzejowice Cup w Krakowie. Pełna relacja jutro!

1. Kuba Olejarz (Hedonskate)
2. Łukasz Malewski (Hedonskate)
3. Bartek Zgrzeblak

1. Michał Szczyrbowski
2. Karol Byrski
3. Łukasz Piwowarski

1. Kacper Nosek
2. Mikołaj Wiercioch
3. Sebastian Dzbik

easyROLLday Contest 2012

easyROLLday Contest 2012

Od ostatnich zawodów rolkowych w Chełmie minęło 9 lat. Przez ten długi czas chełmskie rolki żyły i miały się całkiem nieźle! Aby to potwierdzić easymonday, Automobilklub Chełmski i MOSiR pod patronatem prezydent Agaty Fisz organizują „easyROLLday Contest”, czyli zawody w ekstremalnej jeździe na rolkach. Ta bardzo widowiskowa impreza odbędzie się 26 maja w chełmskim skateparku w Parku Miejskim. Początek zawodów o godz. 11:00. Zawodnicy będą walczyć o liczne nagrody, zarówno pieniężne jak i rzeczowe ufundowane przez: Urząd Miasta Chełm, Hedonskate, Rollerblade, Such A Mess oraz sponsorów z zagranicy: Razor’s, Jug, Ground Control, Remz, Grindhouse oraz The Conference! Widzowie oprócz śledzenia popisów zawodników, będą mogli posłuchać dobrej muzyki, a każdy kto się zaopatrzy w swój prowiant będzie mógł korzystać ze specjalnie przygotowanego na tę okazję wielkiego grilla lub … przenośnego ogniska! Swój udział w zawodach potwierdzili już zawodnicy z Gliwic, Warszawy, Krotoszyna i Lublina. Po zawodach odbędzie się oficjalne afterparty na którym zagra Rasmentalism, a w klimaty funku, boogie i disco wprowadzą publiczność Dj DBT oraz Ment XXL. Afterparty rozpocznie się w Clubie „Undeground” na pl. Łuczkowskiego 13 o godz. 21:00. Wstęp dla osób od 18 lat, a specjalne bezpłatne wejściówki można ddebrać w barze Prima przy ul. Popiełuszki 5 lub w Halo Pizzy przy ul. Szkolnej 5A. Koncert współfinansuje Miasto Chełm w ramach zadania „Kierowcy, motocykliści – bądźcie trzeźwi na drodze!”. Szczegółowe informacje związane z zawodami i imprezą dostępne są pod adresem:

PTG All Day – Faces by Chris Luca

PTG All Day - Chris Luca

Jeszcze trochę fotek z ostatniego eventu PTG ALL DAY. Photography by Chris Luca. Pełną relację z zawodów można przeczytać !

Hedonskating #2 in Berlin, Germany

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Pariah DVD Premiere

Write-up by Dirk Oelmann, Jojo Jacobi, Basztin Takemura, Dominik Wagner & Bart Laubsch
Photography by Lukasz Siekanowicz

After my friends and colleagues from Hedonskate arrived late Friday evening we woke up to beautiful sunshine on a Saturday morning with a great weekend waiting for us. Instead of explaining step by step what went down during the weekend, I decided to ask Dominik Wagner, Jojo Jacobi, Bart Laubsch and Basza Takemura to write about some of their personal experiences from the event that was a beautiful weekend full of blading, good weather and friends!

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Tim Wolf

Think about it! Sitting in a cinema, together with around 100 homies, watching a movie of your own choice and even having some of your friends appearing on the screen. I would like to call that remarkable and outstanding. Thanks to Hedonskate this is what happened in Berlin a few days ago and I really enjoyed the two premieres and of course also the exclusive blading session the day after. Thanks for a great weekend!

Jojo Jacobi

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Jojo Jacobi

It was my turn a few minutes before the screening of my video 'Dedicated’ to say some words and I got so damn nervous speaking in front of the audience. In the end it turned out to be good. I also enjoyed the good atmosphere, people were clapping hands, or screaming when they liked a trick and after each section people were cheering which made me very, very happy! It was also nice to see the cinema was packed and also a few visitors who didn’t blade came by to watch the video. All in all it was a very nice evening with friends and rollerblading!

Dirk Oelmann

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Dirk Oelmann

The last weekend in Berlin was my second chance to skate this crazy city, yet actually the first one that I got to experience the vibe of rolling scene there. Skating spot to spot with guys like Dominik Wagner or Benny Harmanus was definitely something to remember. Some street skating during Saturday, followed by super chill and friendly Sunday session at Gagi’s slider bar with beers and lots of pedestrians who stopped to watch reminded me the good old days. Great people and an awesome atmosphere – I’m looking forward for the next session in Berlin!

Basztin Takemura

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Basztin Takemura

The Polish invasion of Berlin aka good times! Once again the Hedonskate team came to our city to have a great weekend full of skating. I don’t think there is a better way to celebrate the beginning of spring, than having a nice street session in the sun, skating some new spots, cruising around and watching Berlin waking up from its deep winter sleep! To make it even better, everybody met up at night to watch 'Dedicated’ and 'Pariah’, two very sick skate flicks, in a movie theatre! Funny thing to watch was the way the whole group split up and disappeared in all directions, once the premiere was over, to have a party, cheap beers in a bar or just to find themselves a girl to spend the rest of the night with. Good thing was that we had the indoor Skate park all for ourselves the night afterwards to skate away our hang-overs and to wake up Monday morning feeling all sore just to make sure not to forget the great time we had to help us through another depressing week!

Dominik Wagner

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Dominik Wagner

During the whole weekend people had set up skate sessions. Everyone who joined enjoyed it and I am pretty sure they had a good time. Saturday night we had a nice premiere in a cozy cinema in Kreuzberg. Both videos were great, you could feel the good vibe. That’s just how it is with a bunch of skater dudes and a couple of friends. Afterwards everyone spread out to find a great party that definitely was not a problem at all. Sunday was great to get over the hangover and when people didn’t made it because of that, they missed a pretty chill session.

Bart Laubsch


’Dedicated’ by Dirk Oelmann