SkateInPark – Zimowa miejscówka na Śląsku!

Zimowy skatepark na Śląsku to fakt! Od dziś otwarty codziennie (16-22, w weekendy od 10-20). Jest się naprawdę czym cieszyć! Ekipa SkateInPark odwaliła kawał dobrej roboty oddając do dyspozycji świetną miejscówkę, na której spędzimy kolejne 3 miesiące!

Events: Hedonskating #4 – Gliwice

Już 24 Maja Hedonskate zaprasza na konkretną sesyjkę w Gliwicach! Jeżeli nie mieliście jeszcze okazji aby pojeździć w nowym gliwickim skateparku to idealna data aby to nadrobić! Swoja obecność potwierdzili Krystian Zarzeczny, Tomek Przybylik, Przemek Madej oraz Kuba Olejarz. Przewidujemy wybór ridera dnia oraz nagrodę za Best Trick! Dla niezdecydowanych polecamy ponownie obejrzeć ostatni edit Marcina Kopca, w którym możemy zobaczyć jak prezentuje się ta miejscówka! Zapraszamy wszystkich! Czytaj dalej

Events: Hedonskating #03 Obhausen

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Video edit from Hedonskating #03 in Obhausen/Germany
Filmed by Sebastian Gruba &
Edited by
Music: KOUDLAM – „See You All”

Hedonskating #2 in Berlin, Germany

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Pariah DVD Premiere

Write-up by Dirk Oelmann, Jojo Jacobi, Basztin Takemura, Dominik Wagner & Bart Laubsch
Photography by Lukasz Siekanowicz

After my friends and colleagues from Hedonskate arrived late Friday evening we woke up to beautiful sunshine on a Saturday morning with a great weekend waiting for us. Instead of explaining step by step what went down during the weekend, I decided to ask Dominik Wagner, Jojo Jacobi, Bart Laubsch and Basza Takemura to write about some of their personal experiences from the event that was a beautiful weekend full of blading, good weather and friends!

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Tim Wolf

Think about it! Sitting in a cinema, together with around 100 homies, watching a movie of your own choice and even having some of your friends appearing on the screen. I would like to call that remarkable and outstanding. Thanks to Hedonskate this is what happened in Berlin a few days ago and I really enjoyed the two premieres and of course also the exclusive blading session the day after. Thanks for a great weekend!

Jojo Jacobi

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Jojo Jacobi

It was my turn a few minutes before the screening of my video 'Dedicated’ to say some words and I got so damn nervous speaking in front of the audience. In the end it turned out to be good. I also enjoyed the good atmosphere, people were clapping hands, or screaming when they liked a trick and after each section people were cheering which made me very, very happy! It was also nice to see the cinema was packed and also a few visitors who didn’t blade came by to watch the video. All in all it was a very nice evening with friends and rollerblading!

Dirk Oelmann

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Dirk Oelmann

The last weekend in Berlin was my second chance to skate this crazy city, yet actually the first one that I got to experience the vibe of rolling scene there. Skating spot to spot with guys like Dominik Wagner or Benny Harmanus was definitely something to remember. Some street skating during Saturday, followed by super chill and friendly Sunday session at Gagi’s slider bar with beers and lots of pedestrians who stopped to watch reminded me the good old days. Great people and an awesome atmosphere – I’m looking forward for the next session in Berlin!

Basztin Takemura

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Basztin Takemura

The Polish invasion of Berlin aka good times! Once again the Hedonskate team came to our city to have a great weekend full of skating. I don’t think there is a better way to celebrate the beginning of spring, than having a nice street session in the sun, skating some new spots, cruising around and watching Berlin waking up from its deep winter sleep! To make it even better, everybody met up at night to watch 'Dedicated’ and 'Pariah’, two very sick skate flicks, in a movie theatre! Funny thing to watch was the way the whole group split up and disappeared in all directions, once the premiere was over, to have a party, cheap beers in a bar or just to find themselves a girl to spend the rest of the night with. Good thing was that we had the indoor Skate park all for ourselves the night afterwards to skate away our hang-overs and to wake up Monday morning feeling all sore just to make sure not to forget the great time we had to help us through another depressing week!

Dominik Wagner

Hedonskating #2, Berlin. Dominik Wagner

During the whole weekend people had set up skate sessions. Everyone who joined enjoyed it and I am pretty sure they had a good time. Saturday night we had a nice premiere in a cozy cinema in Kreuzberg. Both videos were great, you could feel the good vibe. That’s just how it is with a bunch of skater dudes and a couple of friends. Afterwards everyone spread out to find a great party that definitely was not a problem at all. Sunday was great to get over the hangover and when people didn’t made it because of that, they missed a pretty chill session.

Bart Laubsch


’Dedicated’ by Dirk Oelmann

Hedonskating #1 Berlin

The first Hedonskate Session in Germany wasn´t realy big announced and it was more like a nice familiar session in the Skatehalle Berlin. Since I have two knee injuries in a row and I had to walk on crutches again, I wasn´t able to organize something bigger.

So this time the event was more meant to be a nice local coming together to support the scene. Around 50-70 Skaters from Berlin visited the session and skated the street area as well as the bowl and the halfpipe. Outstanding local for me was Dave Mutschall who skates very skillful berally every obstacle. Best trick was probably a 450 to ao porn, from a quater pipe disaster to a curb…at least it was the best I saw. Other than that, it was great fun to see Jochen Smuda on his skates again, even though he´s not skating a lot these days his style and way of skating lines and combining tricks is a pleasure to watch! Also Tim Wolf (Black Jack) and Ben Harmanus (Chimera) supported the session and enjoyed blading the little curb or trying out new technical tricks and lines, like wall ride to topsoul or wall to cess slide to wall…finally I was happy to meet up with my colleges from Hedonskate crew who came here to skate with us on a very high level. And last but not least the winner of this years Winterclash Girls, Frederike Rausch is one of the best bowl-skater I know, with smooth style and creative lines and trick combination.

So all after all I was happy to see old school skaters side by side new school kids, skating together, talking and enjoying a chilled session and evening here in Berlin.

Stay tuned, because next session is coming soon and we will provide you with more details soon!

Dirk Oelmann,
Hedonskate Germany