Pony Cup 2012

Gratulacje dla Nilsa Jansonsa (Hedonskate, Remz) za zajęcie 1 miejsca podczas zawodów Pony Cup 2012!! Sprawdźcie dokładną relację na Be-mag`u.

Trip to Winterclash 2012

5 days trip to Netherlands/Eindhoven, some street and Area 51 skatepark skating.

Filming: Mats-Kaarel Ruus, Evert Lubja, Rene Lutterus.
Edited: Rene Lutterus
Riders: Sander Saard, Mats-Kaarel Ruus, Evert Lubja, Rene Lutterus, Indrek Uibo, Siim Medijainen, Josh Glowicki, Kaili Randmäe and more.

PTG Gallery – Kuba Urbańczyk

PTG by Kuba Urbańczyk

„Pogoda za oknem z każdym dniem coraz bardziej wiosenna, a to oznacza, że kolejny sezon rolkowy zbliża się wielkimi krokami. W miniony weekend udało mi się spotkać z chłopakami na PTG w Katowicach i pstryknąć kilka klatek. Jeździli między innymi Gufi, Elek, Des, Basza, Olej, Madej, NRSka, Antena i wielu, wielu innych. Mimo iż to dopiero przedsezonowa rozgrzewka, tricki i line`y robione na parku naprawdę cieszyły oko. Dla tych, którzy nie mogli obserwować na żywo – kilka zdjęć.” – Kuba Urbańczyk

The Gypsy Project – Sweden ZeroOneSix skatepark

The Gypsy Project – Sweden ZeroOneSix skatepark

Edit nakręcony w Szwecji, w parku ZeroOneSix, z udziałem naszego ridera Frederika Andersona (Hedonskate, USD) oraz dobrych znajomych Josha Głowickiego i Richiego Eislera.

Hedonskate spotted: Edit by Andrzej Bąk

Nowy streetowy edicik ekipy z Bytomia i okolic. Montaż by Andrzej Bąk. Thanks for support guys!

Hedonskating #1 Berlin

The first Hedonskate Session in Germany wasn´t realy big announced and it was more like a nice familiar session in the Skatehalle Berlin. Since I have two knee injuries in a row and I had to walk on crutches again, I wasn´t able to organize something bigger.

So this time the event was more meant to be a nice local coming together to support the scene. Around 50-70 Skaters from Berlin visited the session and skated the street area as well as the bowl and the halfpipe. Outstanding local for me was Dave Mutschall who skates very skillful berally every obstacle. Best trick was probably a 450 to ao porn, from a quater pipe disaster to a curb…at least it was the best I saw. Other than that, it was great fun to see Jochen Smuda on his skates again, even though he´s not skating a lot these days his style and way of skating lines and combining tricks is a pleasure to watch! Also Tim Wolf (Black Jack) and Ben Harmanus (Chimera) supported the session and enjoyed blading the little curb or trying out new technical tricks and lines, like wall ride to topsoul or wall to cess slide to wall…finally I was happy to meet up with my colleges from Hedonskate crew who came here to skate with us on a very high level. And last but not least the winner of this years Winterclash Girls, Frederike Rausch is one of the best bowl-skater I know, with smooth style and creative lines and trick combination.

So all after all I was happy to see old school skaters side by side new school kids, skating together, talking and enjoying a chilled session and evening here in Berlin.

Stay tuned, because next session is coming soon and we will provide you with more details soon!

Dirk Oelmann,
Hedonskate Germany