Check out edit from Real Street Competition in Lithuania where you can find some really nice trick of Nils Jansons (Hedonskate, Remz, Match)
Schlagwort-Archive: remz
Nils Jansons wins again!
Check the results of the last comp in Latvia:
Street Pro:
1. Nils Jansons (JÅ«rmala) – Hedonskate, Match, Remz
2. JÄnis ÄŒaurs (JÅ«rmala)
3. Edgars BÄ“rmanis (Ventspils)
1. Dmitrijs Sokolovs (RÄ«ga)
2. MÄrtiņš TÄlbergs (Ventspils)
3. Nils Jansons (JÅ«rmala) – Hedonskate, Match, Remz
Nils Jansons on Remedyz – first day
Check out some photo of Nils Jansons (Hedonskate, Match, Remz) skating first time on new Remz 0702. Photos were published on website.