Spodek area in Katowice is one of the most famous skate spot in Silesia area. Yesterday Mark Wojda (Hedonskate, Create Originals, USD, Denial) got a nice clip there – check the pic by Chris Luca. This and many more stunts by Mr Mark will be featured in upcoming Hedonskate DVD!
Archiv der Kategorie: Hedonskate Team
CanisLatrans Website
As some of you may know our rider Radek Kojtych (Hedonskate) is not only a good balder but also talented video grapher. Check the site that he just luanched – in future you can expect regualr videocasts with riders from all over Poland.
Grazyna Wratny – first day on remz haffey 2.1
Mihai Militaru – Shima Skates
Mihai Militaru (Hedonskate, Redbull) and his first edit with SSM skates!
Estonians Rollerblading 2011 Spring
New edit presenting the Estoninan scene, featuring our rider Mats Kaarel Ruus (Hedonskate, Razors).
Mihai Militaru – Hedonskate Fashion
Hedonskate riders` interviews in Wheelscene!
Przemek Górczyk promoting blading at school!
SLIPKLIP video magazin EP4
New episode of SlipKlip video mag is online. Check the section of our rider Mateusz Kowalski (Hedonskate, Hive, USD)
Mateusz Radziszewski – Spring
Here is new edit from our flow rider Mateusz Radziszewski (Hedonskate, Infernal, Dekom). Radzik is skating in new Hedonskate Stretch Jeans which are available now together with summer collection!