Hedonskate Team: Mihai Militaru in Greece

Quick recap from Mihai Militaru (Hedonskate) trip to Greece.
“One day I was in the skatepark and Moise Valentin asked me: “Hey, would you like to go to Geece? I`m going by car and I still have a free place – I was like – Yeah I want to come but im low with money. Having in mind only those sunny beaches and perfect clear water, i said: Yes, I’m coming!

East Side Jam 2012 – Summary

East Side Jam 2012 - Winners


1. Przemysław Madej (Hedonskate, USD)
2. Łukasz Malewski (Hedonskate, Xsjado)
3. Tomasz Przybilik (Hedonskate, USD)

Best Trick: Jakub Małecki (USD)

Edit#1: East Side Jam 2012 (edit by sensi&.)
Edit#2: East Side Jam 2012 Lublin HD
Edit#3 (Official): EasiSideJam edit by Sadi

Pics by Piotr Gackiewicz