Working Crew: Jojo Jacobi on board!

“… There are always people that act differently and take a step away from the masses. Many do it in a bad way, but there are a few who do so impressively, even if it may not be directly beneficial to themselves. Everyone had one of these guys back at school, the kind of classmate who wanted to be headboy and would fight for three years to get a coffee dispenser, even though he never drank coffee. Jojo Jacobi – a guy who has been through high and lows, all in the name of rollerblading…”    (Cytat by Alex Schneider)

Najwyższy czas, aby oficjalnie ogłosić naszego nowego członka Working Crew! Mowa oczywiście o znanym każdemu – Jojo Jacobi! Świetny rolkarz, organizator największego eventu rolkowego w roku Winterclash, a przede wszystkim osoba z wielką pasją i zapałem do działania! Witamy!